るびきちさんに、gnupack 以外の emacs の 使い方が分からないと言ったら、
をダウンロード。Windows7 64bit なんだが、これでいいのだろうか。
C:\emacs-23.3 に展開。
C-x RET l
で、Japanese と入力。
C-h I
で、japanese と入力。なんか変なメッセージが出てきた。使い方なんだろう。
Input method: japanese (mode line indicator:Aあ)
Japanese input method by Roman transliteration and Kana-Kanji conversion.
When you use this input method, text entry proceeds in two stages:
Roman-Kana transliteration and Kana-Kanji conversion. When you start
to enter text, you are in the first stage, Roman-Kana transliteration.
Type SPC to proceed to the next stage, Kana-Kanji conversion.
:: Roman-Kana transliteration ::
You can input any Hiragana character as a sequence of lower-case
letters, Japanese punctuation characters by typing punctuation keys,
Japanese symbols by typing `z' followed by another key. See below for
a list of all available sequences. The characters you input are
In addition, the following keys provide special effects:
K Change Hiragana to Katakana or Katakana to Hiragana.
qq Toggle between this input method and the input method `japanese-ascii'.
qz Shift to the input method `japanese-zenkaku'.
Typing "qh" will put you back to this input method.
RET Accept the current character sequence.
SPC Proceed to the next stage, Kana-Kanji conversion.
The input method `japanese-ascii' is used to enter ASCII characters.
This is almost the same as turning off the input method. The only
difference is that typing `qq' will put you back into the Japanese
input method.
The input method `japanese-zenkaku' is used to enter full width
JISX0208 characters corresponding to typed ASCII characters.
List of the all key sequences for Roman-Kana transliteration is shown
at the tail.
:: Kana-Kanji conversion ::
You can convert the current Japanese characters (underlined) to
Kana-Kanji mixed text. In this stage, the converted text is divided
into two parts, the current phrase (highlighted) and the remaining
input (underlined). The following commands can be used on the
current phrase.
SPC, C-n kkc-next
Show the next candidate for the current phrase.
If successively typed `kkc-show-conversion-list-count' times,
conversion candidates are shown in the echo area.
C-p kkc-prev
Show the previous candidate for the current phrase.
If successively typed `kkc-show-conversion-list-count' times,
conversion candidates are shown in the echo area.
l kkc-show-conversion-list-or-next-group
Show at most 10 candidates for the current phrase in echo area.
If typed repeatedly, show the next 10 candidates.
L kkc-show-conversion-list-or-prev-group
Show at most 10 candidates for the current phrase in echo area.
If typed repeatedly, show the previous 10 candidates.
0..9 kkc-select-from-list
Select a candidate corresponding to the typed number.
H kkc-hiragana
Convert the current phrase to Hiragana
K kkc-katakana
Convert the current phrase to Katakana
C-o kkc-longer
Extend the current phrase; pull in the first character of
the remaining input.
C-i kkc-shorter
Contract the current phrase; drop its last character
back into the remaining input.
C-f kkc-next-phrase
Accept the current phrase. If there remains input, select
the first phrase as the current one, and show the first
candidate for the conversion.
DEL, C-c kkc-cancel
Cancel the conversion, shift back to the Roman-Kana
return kkc-terminate
Accept the whole conversion.
C-SPC, C-@ kkc-first-char-only
Accept the first character of the current conversion,
delete the remaining input.
C-h kkc-help
List these key bindings.
You can input characters by the following key sequences:
key char [type a key sequence to insert the corresponding character]
--- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ---- --- ----
! ! e え ke け tu つ z4 □ zg ‐ gye ぎぇ sha しゃ
" ” i い ki き va ヴぁ z5 ◇ zh ← gyo ぎょ she しぇ
# # o お ko こ ve ヴぇ z6 ☆ zi じ gyu ぎゅ shi し
$ $ u う ku く vi ヴぃ z7 ◎ zj ↓ hya ひゃ sho しょ
% % { { la ら vo ヴぉ z8 ¢ zk ↑ hye ひぇ shu しゅ
& & | | le れ vu ヴ z9 ♂ zl → hyo ひょ sya しゃ
' ’ } } li り wa わ z: ゜ zm ″ hyu ひゅ sye しぇ
( ( ~  ̄ lo ろ we ゑ z; ゛ zn ′ jya じゃ syo しょ
) ) ba ば lu る wi ゐ z< ≦ zo ぞ jye じぇ syu しゅ
* * be べ ma ま wo を z= ≠ zp 〒 jyo じょ tsa つぁ
+ + bi び me め wu う z> ≧ zq 《 jyu じゅ tse つぇ
, 、 bo ぼ mi み xa ぁ z? ∞ zr 々 kwa くゎ tsi つぃ
- ー bu ぶ mo も xe ぇ z@ ▼ zs ヽ kwe くぇ tso つぉ
. 。 da だ mu む xi ぃ zB ← zt 〆 kwi くぃ tsu つ
/ / de で n' ん xo ぉ zC ℃ zu ず kwo くぉ tya ちゃ
0 0 di ぢ na な xu ぅ zD ゞ zv ※ kya きゃ tye ちぇ
1 1 do ど ne ね ya や zF → zw 》 kye きぇ tyi てぃ
2 2 du づ ni に ye いぇ zG — z{ 〔 kyo きょ tyo ちょ
3 3 fa ふぁ no の yo よ zM 〓 z| ‖ kyu きゅ tyu ちゅ
4 4 fe ふぇ nu ぬ yu ゆ zN ↓ z} 〕 lya りゃ xka ヵ
5 5 fi ふぃ pa ぱ z! ● zP ↑ z~ ¨ lye りぇ xke ヶ
6 6 fo ふぉ pe ぺ z" “ zQ 〈 bya びゃ lyo りょ xtu っ
7 7 fu ふ pi ぴ z# ▲ zR 仝 bye びぇ lyu りゅ xwa ゎ
8 8 ga が po ぽ z$ ■ zS ヾ byo びょ mya みゃ xwe うぇ
9 9 ge げ pu ぷ z% ◆ zT § byu びゅ mye みぇ xwi うぃ
: : gi ぎ ra ら z& £ zV ÷ cha ちゃ myo みょ xwo うぉ
; ; go ご re れ z' ‘ zW 〉 che ちぇ myu みゅ xya ゃ
< < gu ぐ ri り z( 【 z[ 『 chi ち nya にゃ xyo ょ
= = ha は ro ろ z) 】 z\ \ cho ちょ nye にぇ xyu ゅ
> > he へ ru る z* × z] 』 chu ちゅ nyo にょ zya じゃ
? ? hi ひ sa さ z+ ± z^ ★ dye でぇ nyu にゅ zye じぇ
@ @ ho ほ se せ z, ‥ z_ ∴ dyi でぃ pya ぴゃ zyo じょ
[ 「 hu ふ si し z- ~ z` ´ dyo どぉ pye ぴぇ zyu じゅ
\ ¥ ja じゃ so そ z. … za ざ dyu どぅ pyo ぴょ
] 」 je じぇ su す z/ ・ zb ° gwa ぐゎ pyu ぴゅ
^ ^ ji じ ta た z0 ♀ zc 〇 gwe ぐぇ rya りゃ
_ _ jo じょ te て z1 ○ zd ゝ gwi ぐぃ rye りぇ
` ` ju じゅ ti ち z2 ▽ ze ぜ gwo ぐぉ ryo りょ
a あ ka か to と z3 △ zf 〃 gya ぎゃ ryu りゅ
key binding
--- -------
C-@ quail-select-current
C-h quail-translation-help
TAB quail-completion
C-SPC quail-select-current
<kp-enter> quail-select-current
<mouse-2> quail-mouse-choose-completion
<tab> quail-completion
key binding
--- -------
C-a quail-conversion-beginning-of-region
C-b quail-conversion-backward-char
C-d quail-conversion-delete-char
C-e quail-conversion-end-of-region
C-f quail-conversion-forward-char
C-h quail-translation-help
C-k quail-conversion-delete-tail
RET quail-no-conversion
SPC quail-japanese-kanji-kkc
K quail-japanese-toggle-kana
DEL quail-conversion-backward-delete-char
<backspace> quail-conversion-backward-delete-char
<delete> quail-conversion-backward-delete-char
<return> quail-no-conversion
C-x b で *scratch* として、C-\ で日本語入力切り替え。
るびきちさんは、cygwin ではなく、msysgit というものを使っているとのことな
ので、これを入れてみる。これを入れるだけで、unix 的な環境が作れるらしい。
にアクセスして、Git-1.7.8-preview20111206.exe をダウンロードして、実行。
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git
Run Git from the Windows Command Prompt
にしよう。なんか、赤字で exe 上書きとか言われているのは怖い。。。
Checkout Windows-style, commit Unix-style line endings
ここで、cmd で ls と打ったが反応しない。Git bash ってのがデスクトップに
できているから、これで、ls が効くみたい。
PATH 通しておこうかとチェックしたら、勝手にシステム環境変数に定義されている。
これで、cmd で ls としたが、これでもきかない。そもそも、PATH が通ってる
eshell でどうやって使うんだろう。やっぱり、cmd コマンドを上書きしてしまった
環境変数 HOME を設定
Options -> Set Defalt Font で、メイリオ の、サイズ 12 、文字セットを 日本語 に。
Options -> Save Options
を選択すると、勝手に .emacs に書き込まれるみたい。
C-x C-f で、~/.emacs を開くと
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(default ((t (:inherit nil :stipple nil :background "SystemWindow" :foreground "SystemWindowText" :inverse-video nil :box nil :strike-through nil :overline nil :underline nil :slant normal :weight normal :height 120 :width normal :foundry "outline" :family #("メイリオ" 0 4 (charset cp932-2-byte)))))))
こんな感じ。init.el じゃないんだ(汗)
M-x eshell
Welcome to the Emacs shell
c:/emacs-23.3/bin $ cd ~
~ $ cp .emacs ~/.emacs.d/
~ $ mv ~/.emacs.d/.emacs ~/.emacs.d/init.el
として、emacs を再起動してみたら、ちゃんと読んでるみたい。これでいいや。
M-x eshell
Welcome to the Emacs shell
c:/emacs-23.3/bin $ cd ~
~ $ rm -rf .emacs
- git の使い方が分からない。
- wget とかどうやっていれるんだろう。
- git と eshell の連携が不明。普通に、path 通せばいいんかな。
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